is for sale!

The domain name is available for sale by its owner through Domain Yurdu.

BIN Price:

60.000 TL

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Domain Stats:
Total Views: 21
Previous offers: 0

Site URL:

Domain Kayıt: 2011

Domain Bitiş: 2026

Kayıtlı Olduğu Firma: Natro

İstenilen Fiyat: Gelen Teklifler Degerlendirilir

Banlı olduğu sponsor (Varsa): Bilinen Yok

Banlı olduğu arama motoru (Varsa): Bilinen Yok

Sitenin satışında herhangi hukuki bir problem varmı, telif hakkı vb..:: Tüm Teklif Hakları Saklıdır.

Site ile sağlanan servis : ( Sohbet sitesi, Arkadaşlık sitesi, Toplist, Haber Sitesi gibi.): Haber Genel Sitesi

Pagerank Değeri: 5/15

Kullanılan sistem adı (Vbulletin, Wordpress vb.): Wordpress

Kullanılan sistemin lisans durumu (Varsa): Birtema full platin pakettir

Host Durumu: 1hafta

Sayaç kodu (Hit durumu): (Sitenizde sayaç linkini veyahut hit belirtebilirsiniz.):

Kullandığınız sponsor firmalar ve geliriniz (Varsa): Adsense kabul edildi - news kaydı alındı

Satış Hakkında Özel Notlar: Sitede içi profesyonel SEO yaptırıldı dış SEO çalışmadığı halde site hergun çok güzel elirliyor gerekli resimlerde goruceksiniz site dış SEO yapılınca bu işi bilenler bilir nerelere gelicektir


Before the visitor has visited your website, you will tell them many things with your domain name and make a good impression on them.


A good domain name defines the site-brand very well and is memorable. In this way, it will be more advantageous in terms of not losing acquired visitors.


The quality-impact of domain names can be measured by search engines in various titles, which helps your site to rank more advantageously in search results.

As a result;
Domain names are your brand on the internet, the addresses of your websites. As with the physical business, a well-branded and well-located store will benefit greatly. A good domain name can be considered as an important marketing element, and every investment in this field will be much more affordable than other marketing expenses.

As Michael Cyger who is one of the best domain name industry experts said, “Large companies realize that owning a generic domain name can provide enormous benefits, including: trust, authority, type-in traffic, branding, search engine ranking, cost savings on future marketing, and many more.”

You can buy this domain through Domain Yurdu. You will also be able to use the following services in the transactions:

Buyer Protection
Transfer Support


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